Soul Conversation

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  1. Each chakra within your energy body is associated with its own colour and each colour holds an energy vibration.

    Everything in the universe is comprised of energy, including you! We are all made of energy, the universe is the one source of Divine energy which we are all part of, connected to and that which flows through us. The word ‘Chakra’ derives from the Sanskrit meaning ‘wheel’ and literally translated from Hindi tradition it means ‘wheel of spinning energy’. The 7 major chakras are energy centres that connect your spiritual body to your physical body and are like a whirling vortex of energy, they are your powerhouse of energy that governs your physical body.


    Each chakra within your energy body is associated with its own colour and each colour holds an energy vibration.

    Everything in the universe is comprised of energy, including you! We are all made of energy, the universe is the one source of Divine energy which we are all part of, connected to and that which flows through us. The word ‘Chakra’ derives from the Sanskrit meaning ‘wheel’ and literally translated from Hindi tradition it means ‘wheel of spinning energy’. The 7 major chakras are energy centres that connect your spiritual body to your physical body and are like a whirling vortex of energy, they are your powerhouse of energy that governs your physical body.

    HEART Chakra

    The home of your soul’s colour is green (pink is also associated with the heart centre) and it sits within your heart centre, over your chest bone and radiates up to your throat centre. This is where you feel and experience love, compassion, harmony and peace for self and others. When there is unconditional love or the feeling of ‘falling in love’ the vibrational energy moves down into the solar plexus (your emotional centre) and down through the Sacral and into the Base, where the feeling or desire to ground those emotions manifests into marriage or sense of commitment to another. A very powerful energy centre as this is the vibration of love and love is the most powerful vibration on the planet.

    Each Chakra is associated with certain organs in the body and this chakra is associated with: Heart, lungs, thymus gland, arms and hands. Influences the sense of touch.

    Signs that your Heart chakra is in balance:

    When this chakra is in balance you will experience the feeling of love and compassion for self and others. From being in balance there is understanding and the ability to forgive self and others and you experience deep compassion and empathy. The ability to give and receive love comes easy. You love nature and feel at one with the All.

    Signs that your Heart chakra is out of balance:

    There may be a lack of compassion, love and understanding for self and others, whilst not wanting to forgive may manifest in lung and heart problems in the physical. A sense of jealousy, being withdrawn and the need to close from the outside world may all be signs of a heart energy that is out of balance.  The beauty of life is to experience love and to have the ability to love unconditionally, so this is a centre that you will want to nurture and be in harmony with.

    Ways to restore balance to your Heart chakra:

    Crystals – The colour of the Heart chakra is green and pink and so these coloured crystals will help to heal and activate the energy. There are great benefits to connecting to crystals and wearing them near the chakra point or even sitting with them in meditation. The Heart chakra sits just above your solar Plexus chakra and so mixing green and pink crystals with those associated with the Solar Plexus will amplify healing.

    Jade, will help you to heal emotional imbalances with the heart and is good for balancing the energy. Whilst the renowned Pink Rose Quartz helps to open the heart centre for deep healing and is used to calm emotions, raise positive energy and promote peace within.   Green Tourmaline is a stone that promotes emotional stability and healing; use this stone to open and stimulate your heart energy centre. Whilst Green Calcite aids with balancing and rejuvenating energy, giving emotional stability and healing to the Heart chakra.

    There are many ways to use crystals for balancing and grounding your chakra energy points, one simple way is to wear them close to the chakra, you can place them on or near the chakra centre whilst you sleep. Intension is everything and simply wearing the stone as a bracelet, necklace, ring or anklet will connect you to its healing powers. Find a way that you feel comfortable with so that you enjoy the process.

    You can purchase your Heart Chakra ring here

    Other ways to restore balance in the Heart chakra

    Your Heart is a vital organ and your Heart chakra is a fundamental energy centre. There are many ways which you can help yourself to restore balance and harmony is this vital energy portal. Be kind to yourself and know that this can be an ongoing process as we can build up many walls around our heart centre for protection.

    One of the first steps is to be in Gratitude for where you are right now. Be grateful for your home, your work and your relationships. It may not feel easy if you are unhappy in any of these areas but look for the good in every situation. Gratitude raises your vibration and brings about a positive feeling within. A simple practice of gratitude is to focus on your breath and bring into your mind people that you have in your life, as you see them open your heart and send love out to them. This is very powerful if you have difficult relationships with certain people as this can help heal the situation.

    Forgiveness – practice forgiveness to all situations and people that have hurt and upset you and this will restore balance in your heart centre. Forgiveness is so powerful, and healing and you will feel the change in your body. When we are unable to forgive the heart suffers energetically and this can create disease in the physical.

    Self Love -To be able to give and receive are as important as each other. Most people do not like receiving because they have a limited belief that they aren’t worth it, practice Self Love so that your heart is open to receive. Simple acts of kindness to yourself open the heart for healing to take place, stop the inner critic from negative talk and look at yourself in the mirror and say I love you. Do this regular and notice how your energy lifts each time that you do it.

    Start to enjoy the little things in life and see the beauty all around you. Notice how you feel when you are in nature, with good friends or enjoying nice food. Doing the things, you enjoy raises your energy and you feel good. Start playing sports that you once enjoyed, doing art or joining classes, all these activities feeds the heart and raises your vibration. Treat yourself to a massage, visit a spa or have a home pamper session. Any act of self-love no matter how big or small will help balance your heart energy.

    Meditation is a great way to heal the heart, one simple technique is to close your eyes, connect to your breath and visualise yourself standing in front of you. Open your heart and send loving energy from your physical self into the image of you in front of you. Keep sending divine love and as you do say “I am sorry, I Love You, please forgive me, thankyou”. This is a very powerful healing statement called HoPonoPono.

    Boundaries – Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Setting boundaries is a positive way to protect your energy so that people cannot drain you.

    Affirmations help to ground positive energy into the sub-conscious mind. Make a list of affirmations that raise your vibration. Here are a few examples that help the Heart.

    I AM safe and loved

    I fill my life with wonderful friends and family

    I only allow good things into my life

    I AM always protected

    I AM love

    I AM open to receive and give love unconditionally

    I AM healthy

    I AM beautiful

    I AM confident

    I AM strong
